I thought since it is election season in America, I would hold my own official vote. Don't worry this computer voting system is completely save. Here are two Warren Buffet caricatures. Please vote on which version you like more. I think the one with all the bells and whistles is leading by a large margin in the exit polls but this is a democratic poll. The winner will control my digital painting folder and keep immunity at the tribal council.
I have to say the one w the grain feels more balanced to me.
I like first one. He's got some rad striped socks.
I vote for the second!! for the promises of infinite landscapes ^^
wow man! this is all great stuff, i love how you can handle very realistic representational art and also the caricatures. i'll be back to check this out regularly!
Good works! Congratulations!
Fron Peru
the first one, as the second one doesn't really feel like he belongs in that environment. both look great though, just the the first fits.
the first one for me.
Yeah... I have to go with the first one too. I love the length of the pants and the white socks. After seeing them, I feel robbed in the second version (which is also good, but sadly sockless).
Nah man, it's gotta be the first one. It shows he had the sense to match his striped tube socks to his tie. Although the red hoe is quite compelling. #1 it is.
Yeap, agree with Ryan: the socks are winners!
The first! The FIRST!
Hi Dave! I just found your blog! Your stuff is looking so good! It is so awesome to see how much you've progressed since BYU. I vote for the second one! Say "hi" to Natalie for me.
Hoes and politicians. Sounds like it could be the title to an awesome Wayans brothers production. Tube socks are a nice touch, but maybe you should do a third where his underpants are outside of his clothes with the socks.
First one! Actually...second one!
Yes, second one.
HOWEVER, if the background of the first one had a slight grad, or some sort of diffuse cast shadow at his feet, I'd vote for that (sorry for the double post).
I vote for the first.
Amazing!. . .this is just ridiculous talent!
Impressive work! You infuse humor and realism in perfect amounts! Great stuff!
Hmmm... I'd say second one.
F***tastic and awesome!!
The talent is your ally
Great image... very good humour...
David, your stuff is extrordinary. I'm in awe of your concentration and observational skills. Great Spike piece, and the piece of your sister is my favorite.
I pick the one on the right.
First one!
Gotta go with the socks.
WEST SIDE (tuapse)!
I dig the socks one.
Both r just great! Tough to vote.
But if I've to select only one then I liked the second one with red hoe.
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