I work almost exclusively in pencil with a .03 size mechanical pencil. I have no real reason except for that I have become accustomed to it. There are some really nice things like the tight clean lines and I don't need to sharpen. but it makes it a little difficult to shade large areas, thus the trailing off crosshatching as I lose patience. Cross hatching is an interesting thing, I always wanted loose spontaneous lines, I worked at it till one day in high school they just became spontaneous.

Dave, great pieces as always, I'm impressed by the complete artist you are... your crosshatchings are really great. I really dig you Dalaï-Lama!
great job man!
Man, you make me feel really bad about my drawings.
wow! these are lovely drawings... so much character and dynamic shapes... btw the cast painting... OMG... so well done!
the cross hatching has a nice feel, kind of a combo of loose and tight.
how big are these sketches? if your pencil is 0.3 i'm thinking these are fairly small?
Thanks, everyone
i have a full 9x12 sketchbook. The first is a full page the other 3 are about half a page. Ussually if I like the subject it gets a full page then the less interesting the smaller they get.
You get that line quality with a mechanical pencil? I'm impressed. Really nice sketches, man.
Damn, your drawings look nice.
Keep up the great work.
Nice works all around. Keep it up.
What drawing skill. wow. I am probably reading something into your work, but do I see a little Leyendecker flavor?
Good stuff dave... always. I like your use of the 0.3 pencil. You pull off a nice variety of line with it.
Lovely drawings David.
Especially love the Dalai Lhama.
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