This is a drawing from Friday's 3-hour session. I used Nupastel. It is the first one I have been happy with for a while. I really feel like life-drawing is the weekest link of all of my different art styles that I work in. I don't want to vote it off but it really needs to shape up. Actually I really enjoy it. Usually I am decently pleased with a drawing but I put it away and come back to it a few hours later and I can suddenly see all of the terrible drawing problems.
A charcoal sketch out of my sketchbook. I like to draw with Nupastel, charcoal, Conte because of the ability to smudge. I do a first pass then wipe over it with a paper towel, then continue to refine and pull out highlights with an eraser. Important: spray it with crystal clear or hairspray when you are done or you will have a mess.