A new painting I have been working on. Oil on masonite board, with quite a bit more texture than I usually work with( you can see the texture in the detail image at left). I am going to try something crazy with this painting and paint the colors over it. My past black and white paintings had the same intentions initially, but they turned out too nice to paint over. I think the added work figuring out the values and brushwork before the colors, should cut the things I need to worry about in half, right? Stay tuned to see if it works out, I should have a color version soon.
Also, I have made a few minor changes but if you haven't looked through my lists of
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Great living artists you should. If you like my work, you will find similar but much better work with these links, and maybe a few you haven't yet seen.
Nice one. I wish you luck. I remember it being a very scary stage. I look forward to the color version. Did you shoot this or scan it? I have a terrible time with all that.
I take pictures. I've found that get as much light as possible on the painting(no glare though of course) then shoot from a tripod and do the adjustments in photoshop. ussually I just take them in front of the window in daylight or outside.
Very nice. You are the traditional guru.
amazing. . .
I don't know if I ever told you at school but I love your work. I thought you were amazing in school but you are killing me with this newer stuff. It's amazing.
ridiculously cool!
Cheers to you,
simply great.. such precision...
excellent work David
Great painting Dave!
Hi David.
Great painting here, man.
I can't wait to see the finished colors.
Wow. This is really cool, Dave. Beautiful work.
Awesome work Dave, you have a new fan!
I love your work, your paintings are great but your sketches really blow me away!
Your portrait style is beautiful! I like this blog and i'll be back to check in.
Wow, this is stunning as it is! Wonderful composition and atmosphere. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
Beautiful, Dave... note the comma.
Beautiful portrait. I've been visiting your blog for awhile, especially enjoy your drawings and monochromatic work. No slight meant to your color work- Guess I'm just a B&W kinda guy :) Thanks for sharing this piece at this stage.
GReat! I like how you use oil, it's very dificult! I love the colour stuff, see you
Beautiful. I can't say anything more.
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