I think I got the likeness. Maybe not. I can never tell. I did some initial sketching for this and had a really rough piece. I thought to myself "That is fantastic! It's simple and right on." I looked at it the next day and it was, in reality, truly awful. Thank goodness I didn't show anyone else. I feel better with this but who knows how long that will last. I often feel like everything I do is tired and unoriginal, I think it has a lot to do with the fact that it's all coming out of my head and I already know all of my own tricks. Maybe all artists deal with the same thing?
My dad actually likes Jimmy Carter, I know, I don't want to talk about it.
You got a great likeness, Dave. But I know exactly how you feel about your artwork - it is a conundrum, isn't it. And don't be too hard on your Dad.
Hey, Dave, I think you know I’m a huge admirer of your art. As someone on the outside looking in at your work, I hope you won’t mind if I say the following: don’t let feeling bored and unchallenged deceive you into thinking your work is “tired and unoriginal”. There’s a huge difference. I understand your frustrations, but I think artists have to master the skills they are good at before they can challenge themselves to try new things and grow. Perhaps you’re at that crossroad, ready to take your work to a higher level.
BTW, this is a great piece. I love the texture in the face.
looks good!
This is awesome Dave!
Has a nice look to it, what was it for?
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