I think I started this mad scientist painting 3 times. The colors were not working. So I went to my reference folder and found some art I liked that used colors more effectively and in a more original/interesting way then I am able to come up with. I found this Analogous combo and I like the results.
Stay tuned, more realism is on its way...
Sweet! I love the out of focus silhouette of the monster.
Great piece, Dave. The lighting is awesome.
Nice drawing!
freakin cool
Hi David,
I love yellow color, it's like golden. Lighting is brilliant. I agree with Jeremy's comment, but monster is not looks clear at a glance.
Any way, I just uploded Ronaldinho's caricature. Need your suggestions and cooments.
Nice blog.
THanks for the kind words.
Manoj, the obscure monster is intentional. It is there more as a shape and should not be a focal point that draws too much attention. As long as it reads as a monster I am satisfied.
Now I am agree with you.
Brilliant indeed! Your work is simply amazing!
Greetings from Portugal,
Francisco Martins
Especially nice one. Love the suggested creature.
Very cool, and I really enjoy the work you put into that guy's face!
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