Sunday, October 14, 2007

step 2

Here is the second step in the progression of my painting(see first step here). Basically the drawing has been set to it's own layer and the general colors are built underneath. At this point I drop the drawing and start into it, you can see where I've started under the eyes. I don't really use layers until the end as a tool to adjust saturation and darks and lights, similar to a wash layer in oil painting. The colors are pretty grey but I work that out as I go.

I thought I would go with a bright yellow background to see if I could make it work. I've always wanted to use yellow like this beautiful N.C. Wyeth pirate painting.


Unknown said...

I like unfinished steps like this, you can not make it wrong with such a good start.

Anonymous said...

hey thanks alot for showing your work flow. I have been hoping you would do so for some time, do you think that you will ever come back to uvsc to teach?

SEILER said...

Looks great man!

Vincent Pétremann said...

That's a really nice piece of art. The line is such full feeling, yet strond and incisive. great job!

David Malan said...

Thanks a lot.
Aaron thanks, I will have to see about UVSC in the future. It was kind of hard on my schedule to teach after a full days work.