I have a theory that sculpture is a more forgiving medium to work in. I might be wrong, but it seems that it is harder to see mistakes in 3 dimensions. Don't get me wrong there are some unbelievable artists and artwork done in sculpture, this is one example, another is everything done by Bernini. But I really love sculpture and hope to get the time to do more of it someday.
Wow!!! This is great Dave. The colors and sense of light are brilliant.
Holy Smokes! That's a really nice study ...
greeeeat... its very realistic
Excellent, Dave!
completely fond of your perfect lights on this one... bravo!
Wow ! Great work !!
Wow - I love the complimentary cool light on the back of the head / neck - nice touch!
Bravo! Dave.
Holy Smokes is right, this kicks serious butt man . . . beautiful work, awesome use of soft edges and subtle light, reflective light, the whole works . . . DANG!
Great sense of luminosity. It feels like a sculpture too, which just shows how well-observed the light is.
This piece is damn near perfection.
The luminosity, the texture, the subtle color change from the bounce lighting,...very nice.
Love the site, I come here often for a little inspiration.
just stopping by. great art and wonderful pencil drawings!
Awesome work! That's simply amazing. I love skeleton post.Congratulations for your work
WOW!! That's all I got.
It amazes me how close I have to look at your stuff to make sure it's not just a photo!
You handled the lighting beautifully.
Amazing piece, Dave! Terrific values & lighting.
that is very beautiful
I happened on to your blog from a comment you left on Sergio Martinez's blog. I checked out your website and all I can say is wow! This piece captured my interest most of all. I can't believe it's digital. She is so full of soul, I expect her to turn and say hello. All your work has life, but this one, of a statue nonetheless, is almost tangible. I'll be visiting here often. Keep up the great work.
This one keeps blowing me away dave. so many bounces of light. incredible.
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