A now book cover illustration done a couple months back. I am really happy with the outcome here. I love doing illustrations digitally, no mess.
Apparently the story surrounds the ring, thus it's prominent position in the composition. I had one stressful few hours searching for the ring after we had friends over and their baby got a hold of it and decided to hide it in our towel basket. This was done in Painter, I really like the effect of the loose stroke work in the arms especially with it's colors variation. The fabric is less loose, obviously, but I enjoy painting folds(and hair) couldn't tell you why.
You're amazing, Dave. This is most lovely.
Absolutely gorgeous! I hate you, but in the most loving way.
Wow. That is one amazing hand model that you found.... I love the skin tones.
Wow, this is awesome. Great color variations in the white cloth, too.
I saw this in the most recent Deseret Book catalog and I thought it look familiar. Great painting. I really like the variations of color in the skin tones.
Wow!!! This is beautiful Dave. I hate you too. ;)
Oh wow! Gee this is pretty amazing, I love how you've fused a realistic painterly style with a very slight comic-book effect by giving the hands and arms outlines. Great stuff!
sausage fingers. hahaha. lies.
Can barely tell it's digital, really great dave.
awesome Dave!
you really are one of my favourite artists! and what an influence!
everything looks perfect to me in this piece...
Love the folds in the fabric. Good composition and emphasis.
hmmm...very nice.
Wow, so beautiful !! It's a great, great work !
Like the variations in the skin tones. Everything seems very crisp.
Hi Dave, first of all, thanks a lot for your visit in my blog. Well, as Anders wrote, you are a huge influence!!! I already put your link inside my blog's list, to visit you sometime, to see the news and to learn.
I really like comics, and sometimes I draw something about it. I have been producing another art of heroes. I am doing the Fantastic Four. We can exchange some information about drawings and art in general if you want too. You have a great stile.
About São Paulo, this site is like New York. It is a huge city, with a million of people, car traffic and a lot of services. Well, São Paulo is the heart of Brazil's economy, so it is very important. I live in another region of Brazil. My city is Recife in the state of Pernambuco.
Well, I have to go.
Hugs from Brazil!!!
Someday maybe people will look back at this days and will see how the real artists were people like you, working hard to achieve this level of mastery, and not what most of people see in the museums right now.
unbelievable, really
This is very impressive, you're awesome Dave.
I love the colors and the focus the white of her skirt and the cool colors create around the warmth of the amber in the ring.
your old figure drawing teacher tlod me to tell you that she loves the hands.
It is fantastic! I would like you to work some day ...
Funny, I just discovered your web page. It was interesting looking at your various pieces of work. This one is my favorite, of course, since I wrote the book.
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