A new sketchbook drawing. Another Al Pacino, It is a lot more detailed then an earlier version that you can see
here. I came across
Sebastian Kruger's brilliant work on his blog and was blown away by
this beautiful drawing. He does a fantastic job of creating interesting line work, for example notice the interest added by the line width changes on his arm. He is also great at creating form and shading.
Fantastic work David! Looks great!
outstanding!! simply excellent,Dave.
This one is really great Dave, can't get enough of your hatching. Thanks for the link too!
wow. what a phantastic portrait. he´s one of my fav. actors and you really did him justice!
wow again.
spot. on.
Simply amazing, great works mister!
woow what a fantastic work Mister!!very very exellent!
This is great dave, it captures his presence well.
Isn't Kruger amazing? I wanna be like him one day too.
I stumbled over your blog by accident some time ago and have been a regular visiter since. I love the work! I do have a gripe tho...I followed your links to the Avalanche artists and was up into the wee hours of the night going through all of them!!! What a great job you guys have. Now, through bleary eyes due to lack of sleep, I must do my own painting all day. Thanks alot! :)
Keep up the good work.
Great work, Dave.
phenomenal. the likeness is outstanding.
Do you draw from a picture or from your brain...Just wondering!
Nice astonishing work!
Thanks all.
It was drawn from reference, that would be great if I could keep an image in my head like that I probably would have done better in school.
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