This is a drawing from Friday's 3-hour session. I used Nupastel. It is the first one I have been happy with for a while. I really feel like life-drawing is the weekest link of all of my different art styles that I work in. I don't want to vote it off but it really needs to shape up. Actually I really enjoy it. Usually I am decently pleased with a drawing but I put it away and come back to it a few hours later and I can suddenly see all of the terrible drawing problems.
I guess it's only natural to be self critical but I find inspiration every time I visit your blog. Love this and the charcoal drawing (and I don't normally like charcoal).
Fantastic drawing David! You may see drawing from life as your 'weakest link' - but I think that your work is good all round. I think every artist always sees problems in their work - though most artists would love to have your 'terrible drawing problems'!
your quest for perfection in every drawing field is fascinating, Dave...
this is a great piece
This is amazing, Dave... especially considering how much the model was moving around the whole time. Also - you don't have a weakest art style. This is great, man.
Really cool treatment. I love your use of edges in here too. As long as you keep kicking your own butt, you're gonna be getting better, right? That's my hope for myself anyway.
Lovely piece! The volume and focus are especially nice!
Very nice line quality. I am drwan right to the eyes. Also nice composition arangement for a life drawing.
Man, lots of life in it, anyway. I don't see many drawing problems. But I know the feeling of looking back on yesterday's life drawing that you thought you nailed.
so many new beautiful drawings and paintings. Great stuffs!!
your tone quality is really nice, pops right up :)
Amazing blog u got here! Also luv your paintings in ur website!
my name is alcides junior
i'm brazilian
i found very nice and very cool your work
sorry for the bad english
god bless you
alcides junior
Beautiful work! Really strong and evocative, very inspiring :)
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