A charcoal sketch out of my sketchbook. I like to draw with
Nupastel, charcoal,
Conte because of the ability to smudge. I do a first pass then wipe over it with a paper towel, then continue to refine and pull out highlights with an eraser. Important: spray it with crystal clear or hairspray when you are done or you will have a mess.
Gorgeous piece. It's great to be able to see your hand so clearly in it. Do you tend to use vine to start (at least here) and then go harder or all one media?
Fantastic! Inspiring as always!
Genious!! How come my drawings never look this nice. I wish I had a real cool figure drawing teacher that could teach me how to draw this way.
Dave, your skills will never stop amazing me and stopping by your blog is encouraging to continue to work again and again to become a more accomplished artist like you!!
and obviously it's always a pleasure to see the multiple facets of your art.
Do you have any drawings made with an eraser in your sketchbook?
My sketchbook drawings aren't anywhere near this good... probably because I forgot to use the hairspray. This is great, Dave. You amaze me.
Wow! Great technique!
brilliant sketch!
Wonderful sense of quiet and calm about this one. Her profile is lovely, and her face is lit beautifully. Great work, Dave.
Brilliantly amazing, amazingly brilliant. I just think you must be about 200 years old, cuz reaching this level of art really takes lots of time.
Thanks all,
Mark, this was all done with a stick(not vine, pretty solid). I just used the side more initially for the more general work, then wipe with a rag and go back in to tighten and darken.
Gorgeous drawing. The form is so solid it almost looks sculptural. I love your style.
This is really, really cool Dave. I can't even begin to tell you all the things I like about it.
i love this! there is life in her eyes. beautiful work!
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