Unfortunately, there may be some sketch lines in my work. I hope that doesn't ruin the magic. I have notice a lot of crazy artists with absolutely no sketchy lines in their work. I don't understand this, I tried my best to hide my original faults, but couldn't get them all. Maybe I need to buy some tracing paper and a pen. I haven't the time for that.
Brightness and contrast... that's how I get rid of my sketchy lines. Well, most of them. If you get rid of ALL your sketchy lines, sometimes you don't have anything left. This is great, Dave, and I liked the Radiohead video too... I just didn't know what to say about it. Good work with the "cartoony."
It's ok to leave some of the sketchy-ness in your art, Dave. Let us see some of the framework you used to construct your drawing.
Someone should introduce you to my good friend Equalize (or his more-powerful but inconvenient cousin, Levels from Photoshop).
I like everything but the bandana...I'm just kidding I like the bandana too.
Wow! Nice work! I discovered you by reading your comment on Grigor Eftimov's blog. Whenever you get it together I would definitely be interested in seeing your list of good realistic artists!
BTW, I would disable the word verification. It discourages people from commenting and you can always reinstate it if you start getting spam.
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