Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Movie poster

For the Avalanche blogs most recent topic "The Land of Oz".
Don't worry I too am ready to get back to the more fine art work.


Aaron Ludwig said...

Awesome. Love the design.

. said...

Nice :)

ramanjit said...

great lighting!!!!

Unknown said...

Going from the trees to the witch's cowl is a great idea. It nicely divides the piece. Todo is awesome. I want a dog that looks like that.

Enosh Bar-Tur said...

Awesome work. This reminds me my little "The Wizard of Oz" project. I hope to finish it some day :)

satyaranjan bisoi said...

nice work.

Juampa said...


I really love your art!

Scott said...

Ecxellent lighting and colours! Such a sense of foreboding.

Anonymous said...

Seeing your digital work makes me want to learn more about digital painting. Wow. I don't know what else to say but "I like it alot". Thanks for sharing.