So I'm walking to my car yesterday with my latest drawing in tow thinking about how pleased I am with the results when a big gust of wind blows it right out of my hands and down the street into traffic and way too fast to chase. I followed a bit but had to give up because of an urgent appointment. Maybe 20 minutes later I decided to drive by just to see if I could see it. I drove 2-3 blocks and as I was ready to give up I see my drawing tumbling by my passenger window. I pulled over and it dutifully attached itself to a parking meter for me to pick up.
Just like a disobedient little dog that wants to run around but in the end is happy to go home. I'm glad I found it and I suppose the experience adds character to the piece.
On a side note: My favorite art in the entire world is Alphonse Mucha's Slav Epic. I searched for years for good large digital copy's and finally found some
here, also more great links
I saw your work at the Legacy gallery this week. It is even more beautiful in person!
Dear David,
Brilliant!! I wish I could see your work in my eyes.
Cheers, Sadami
Oh, it's heartbreaking to have a labor of love messed with.....But I'm glad you retreived the drawing, and yes, it's got some character! Funny, it seems to match the grumpy attitude of the subject of your drawing just fine, don't you think?!
ps, THANKS for the mucha links.
Too bad it wasn't snowing at the time; then your drawing would have had tons of character!
Thanks for the Mucha Slav Epic links. I love that series. It inspires me to paint something big. A year ago there a new Mucha book published that had some great info and photos.
beautiful drawing, cool paper folds.
The picture truly tells a story now! By the way I was wondering do you use your right or left hand for drawing? just curious no real reason.
Nature Girl, thanks a lot I love to hear that people saw the real things because the digital versions lack so much.
James, left handed. In school our illustration dept was like 75% left handed.
Beautiful regardless. If my life drawings were anywhere near as good as yours I'd settle for a little crumpling any time!!
Isn't God amazing? He maDe a way [which seemed hopeLess] for you to retrieve your art! There's a reaSon for everyThing~~thanks for sharing~~your story has encouraged me to conTinue on in faith!!
i love every single post but 'man on fire' drives me insane. too bad for the latest one but, as u say, it's brilliant anyway.
oye dave donde estan tus oleos!! estoy esperando nuevos retratos grande man! benja
For all interested in Mucha I wholeheartedly recommend this excellent coffeetable book with lots of quality large reproductions (including, of course, Slav Epic cycle)
Great story to go along with a great looking drawing.
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