Here we have the first collaboration between myself and my 1 year old daughter. She was great to work with. We're actually pleasantly surprised she seems interested in drawing already, her specialty seems to be bird nests and stars. I anticipate more of these in the future.
The portrait she drew is just awesome! And your few scribbles are pretty good too - LOL! But really, you will be amazed how early the drawing ability makes itself known - save all those early drawings, they will mean so much to you and her later.
This brings back fond memories of my children's scribbles and drawings in my sketchbooks. As the years go by you will be fascinated by the little pictures she draws!!
I love it! I have my kid's work all over the house. I keep telling myself to NOT direct them too much...they'll e time later for "teaching" them how to paint and draw! For now, I love watching them make glorious shapes and patterns...abstract art I could never do!
Here is a couple collaborations between me and my son...some of my favorites, ever.
Its an amazing sketch........Glad to see your daughter's efforts in this one. :)
She is such a doll!
Treasure it forever.
those rythms she made and u followed are great
me gusta mucho esto! sobre todo el valor de los ojos sin estar definidos, benja
The portrait she drew is just awesome! And your few scribbles are pretty good too - LOL! But really, you will be amazed how early the drawing ability makes itself known - save all those early drawings, they will mean so much to you and her later.
This brings back fond memories of my children's scribbles and drawings in my sketchbooks. As the years go by you will be fascinated by the little pictures she draws!!
beautiful drawing...!
I love it! I have my kid's work all over the house. I keep telling myself to NOT direct them too much...they'll e time later for "teaching" them how to paint and draw! For now, I love watching them make glorious shapes and patterns...abstract art I could never do!
Here is a couple collaborations between me and my son...some of my favorites, ever.
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