This Friday's drawing done in my sketchbook. I use a .3mm size lead drafting pencil. I don't know why, I became addicted to the lines a few years back and never got back to the regular pencils. That explains why there is rarely and shading, just crosshatching. I was happy with the likeness here though.
This has a beautiful gesture and expression. Nice work!
Very nice! What kind of sketchbooks do you prefer to work in?
i love the feel to your drawings dave. i find the "regular" pencils too thick at times and it's refreshing to see the softness you are able to achieve with your style. Love it!
Great drawing! And thank you for your answer.
Dave, I've said it before and I'll say it again--I love your line quality and clean, crisp drawings...
yes! great line, really cool edges man, going to paint it?
Beautiful work, as usual! Question about the pencil though, is that the same lead size as a .3 mm mechanical pencil? Reason why I ask is that I've been using one for drawing recently, and I'm constantly breaking the lead compared to drawing with a .5 mm lead. Just wondering whether it takes a bit of time to develop a better touch or if it's something I'll learn to put up with.
You are correct, it is .3mm. I guess you just learn to handle it more delicately.
Benja- Hello, no plans to paint it. I have no color reference and the model was only available for a couple hours.
great work, i love the style :)
I admire your works that it prompt me to copy them if you don't mind. Of course I have to mention your name when I have to post them. As they say emulation is the best form of admiration. Thanks for continually inspiring me with your art.
Beautiful drawing and great use of
your wee little pencil. I really like this one.
Great expression and capture of the pose.
My new favorite.
wonderful work. the model is lovely, of course. It feels sculptural on the jaw line...i like that it is not all equally developed.
Hands down one of my all time favorites of yours Dave!
Great likeness AND a great drawing. Always nice when you can pull off both at the same time.
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