David, I am a lover of sketches and drawings as much as any other art form. I find them vulnerable and honest and get a fuller sense of the artist in them. She's beautiful.
Your sketches are by far my favorite to look at . . . what are you sketching with, do you prefer mechanical pencils or are you using graphite pencils . . .?
I've been following your blog for a long time, but haven't commented before. I really like your drawings, they're accurate but don't look overworked. Inspirational work.
Congratulations David, on the new arrival!! Such a cutie! and obviously an aspiring model! Be careful though, it only took me 18 years finish about a dozen paintings:O) To ensure you make it to the studio, consider hiring a nanny. All the best to you!!
Great line quality. Man, you are good.
Brilliant Sketch.
David, I am a lover of sketches and drawings as much as any other art form. I find them vulnerable and honest and get a fuller sense of the artist in them. She's beautiful.
Nice drawing Dave. Its all about your sketch book.
Beauty baby!!
And a wonder draw!!
Hello from Brazil!
Hacerlo fácil, es propio de buenos artistas, y en tus dibujos se ve esta cualidad. Enhorabuena David.
Your sketches are by far my favorite to look at . . . what are you sketching with, do you prefer mechanical pencils or are you using graphite pencils . . .?
Excellent sketches David!
I've been following your blog for a long time, but haven't commented before. I really like your drawings, they're accurate but don't look overworked. Inspirational work.
Congratulations David, on the new arrival!!
Such a cutie! and obviously an aspiring model!
Be careful though, it only took me 18 years finish about a dozen paintings:O) To ensure you make it to the studio, consider hiring a nanny. All the best to you!!
brilliant sketch!
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