I did this model while experimenting in Mudbox. It was modeled in a flat gray but I wanted to see what it would look like colored and got a little carried away. So this is a full painting done entirely in overlays over the rendering. He definitely looks like a pirate so I was inspired to give him tattoos, the mother one is cool but you can't leave him without a Koi fish. I'm sure all pirates had at least one Koi fish tattoo, it was practically a ticket onto the boat.
Actually, I was initially trying to just learn by copying a brilliant model done by
Daniel Williams (the first in his gallery). But as it developed I could tell I was failing and going way to realistic. You can see some similarities if you look closely.
Whoa! Jump back! Not quite what I expected when I checked on your site! Sooooooo different than the young boy painting I commented on last. See, that is what I like, a surprise at every corner on Dave Malan's site. As a person who doesn't even have Photoshop, I know nothing about all this! Some of your workmates will have to do the talking, though I think I've done enough.
PS, lest one might wonder from my jibber-jabber, I do like it!
I stumbled across your blog a few months ago and have been silently watching. I love your work and have a question.. Do you use a tablet, and if so, what do you use?
Thanks Tina.
Brian, I've got a 9"x12" Intuos3 Wacom tablet that is a must have(of any size) for all digital painting.
really nice one.
Very very nice. Great expression! I guess you're a 3D master too!
Nice I love your work :)
Is is just me or does he look like Al Roker?
I already feel like you've got a great handle on so many different styles, but jumping to a whole new tool set and creating something this successful just conveys how refined your understanding and skills really are. (How's that for a run on sentence!).
Seriously, cool model and paint job sir! To even be mentioned by you favorably puts a smile on my face like you would not believe. Please, keep on inspiring.
Very nice work! Did you use any other programs (i.e. Maya, Max, Photoshop) with Mudbox for the modeling and texture painting? The sculpting is great.
Thanks all,
Naomi, I used Mudbox for all of the sculpting. Then I took a screenshot of the final product which had only a flat gray material so it showed all of the shadows. Then I used Photoshop and added colors with the layers. The most important layer was set to "color" then a couple more normal layers to add small things.
Amazing dude!
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