I was worried that I may have lost any caricature ability with lack of practice, but this one turned out. Although I may not like it by tomorrow. this is my typical .3 size drafting pencil in my sketchbook.
Aside-that lighter note is probably more of a tragic note when they steal my hard earned money.
Superb! You still got it with the caricaturing definitely!
Your style is so cool Dave! I really like the eyes and mouth on this one. Very funny, especially the last line of the text.
The face expression is very good and intense. This is a excellent work.
Excellent! Full of life!
Love it!!! Great post on my birthday. You are amazing!!!
David, this is fantastic . . . a good caricature for sure!
Love this caricature!
Great caricature, Dave! You really captured her essense, I think. And yes, tragic is definitely more appropriate. Keep up the great work!
excellent sketch!!!
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