I am always curious to know whether people come primarily for the traditional style or the caricatures and whether the caricature posts drives traditional people away and vice a versa. Maybe I need to create a pseudonym and post art under that name to gauge the popularity then I will organize a street fight pitting the traditionalists against the cartoonists, to the death.
I'd love to get your selling on line tips. Judy
I actually enjoy both traditional and the caricature work. I very much like you drawings such as the Natalie piece back in January. Great work, I look forward to every post. - Skeet Sirmons
Yeah, I know what you mean! HAHA! But, you are so talented, I come back just to see the amazing work you do, whether traditional or caricature. Sometimes I don't have time to post but I still visit and peep what you've got going on. :)
oh yeah, this drawing is amazing!! Great form, shadow shapes, edges, pose, lighting, and I'm sure a perfect likeness!
Great drawing. One of your best! For what it is worth, I like the mix of realism and stylized work.
Dave, I don't like your artwork at all -- traditional or cartoon. I just come here to read your sarcastic comments. ;)
Phooey. Post both. Looking at well-done nupastel makes me happy and frustrated at the same time.
I prefer your traditional work, but I have nothing against the caricatures. I'm also utterly useless in a street fight.
Lovely picture, by the way.
I like both. I especially love your drawings though, wish I had half your talent!
your work is incredible! amazing amazing stuff.
I come for the traditional, but it's fun to see the caricatures too.
I like traditional work & cartoons so it all sits well with me!
Think I'll pass on the street fight to the death though!
Thanks for the comment on my Hillary post, David. I love your work, caricature or otherwise.
Very nice piece David!. I guess if I had any preference caricature or otherwise I would wonder what would happen if you did a figure drawing piece in your crosshatch sketchbook stlye.
Holy shit, why are you commenting on my blog!? I'm sorry I tainted your eyes with my "work".
Amazing paintings man. Thanks for the reminder of what real art looks like....>cry<
My deepest respect of your figure drawing skillz ...
great drawing! this is beautiful, thanks for sharing!
Your caricatures are amazing, but I like the traditional stuff, and that's what I come looking for. Don't want to get dragged into that street fight though.
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