Friday, January 25, 2008


This is a Painter painting. I don't have much more to say. Ryan Wood gave me all kinds of good advice on finishing the thing, and it worked.
Thanks to Eric Francis for recognizing my site.


Unknown said...

Nice work as always! I'll be the first to ask how you did the crackle effect.... a brush texture of some sort? Or by hand the hard way? I also enjoy the work of Marc Burckhardt who utilizes (non-digital?) techniques in a similar way. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The background is an almost perfect representation of my white raku crackle glaze. Very impressive. I love the glancing down gesture and the way that the crackle over lays the wings. Fabulous!

David Malan said...

Thanks guys,
The crackle and other texture are texture photographs set to overlay with the oppacity turned way down, then I did a little painting of highlights along the top edges to add depth.

Antonio Fernandez said...

Good work, David! It´s very nice.



Dillon Thompson said...

Great work Dave. I really like the folds, and hair. But I always like the folds and hair.

Marco Bucci said...

very nice, solid drawing!

robi pena said...

Quue bonitoo!! Very, very beautiful image!! BEAUTIFUL!!

sensei said...


Ryan Wood said...

This turned out great man! You should do a big print of this one.

Anders said...

Great piece Dave!
it's nice to see you bring some elements of narration in your work, it's quite unusual, but excellent
and you managed the textured part very well!

SEILER said...

Yeah, well I don't have much to say except for DANG! Beautiful piece!