Upon request, I have the first version of the below picture here. Almost all of my digital painting work is done in Corel Painter. I initially(and probably still do) thought the beach scene would be a little more interesting, but gave it up in favor of a easier though less interesting background. I would love to hear which you think is more appealing. Also, on the right is a drawing/finish contrast, my new underdrawing method is pretty quick and messy with the felt tip pen tool.
Wow a background! I'm so proud! I knew it would happen someday.... I like this one.
im in awe of your skill man. Would love to see how you work sometime.
Well, great background, Dave, may be this new version is more story-telling than the previous one, like an old mafioso giving a lesson to the young generation during his vacations in Miami... personnaly, I prefer the first one for its surrealistic mood.
For what my comments are worth (2 cents, I like the beach scene. It may be that a tank top and a visor would help the character feel more intagrated. By the way, I really dig the preliminary drawing. It has great spontaneity and energy.
I like the beach scene better. I think maybe a dollop of sunscreen or something on the finger would make it fit better into the scene as well. It's still amazing though.
Yeah, I like the one with the background. He seems to have located the ocean.
Привет David!Давно я утебя не был на блоге!Мне очень нравятся твои серьёзно ироничные персонажи!:o)
Надеюсь ты ещё не забыл русский язык.
I vote for the beach too. I think he's pointing out the really hairy fat guy that's wearing a thong.
not so bad after all!!!
i like it so much~~~
well done
Wired Right Brain
Nice work! Would love to see more of your sketchbook drawings.
Thanks all. I appreciate the input, I actully like the ideas I am considering sunscreen on the nose if I get back to him.
Previet Andei, spasiba za zamechenia. Y tebya tozhe, precrasni noviya robota. Odin vapros, ironichni znatchit "ironic" da?
Yes ironic.:o)
All your painting are fabolous!
yeah, yeah, the background is fine and all. I love the unfinished one. I am curious about about your under-drawing method. you paint good.
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