A new drawing. I love to draw in my sketchbook, and may have already said that I attribute any talent I have to my sketchbook. I am really interested in faces, likenesses, this is Steven Spielberg. Hopefully I'
ve captured it, I also really like the very subtle
caricature/stylization, so subtle that you almost don't recognize it without looking closely.
great! I like the way you sketch, you're always between portrait and caricature; and I think this is where you are the most personnal!
Really nice, you definitely captured his eyes. You should send this to him. What are you drawing with these days?
Very nice! Boy, this is a nice reminder about the power of the pencil! I bought a couple ink pens from the office supply but haven't found them quite flexible enough for quick sketching. Guess a pencil sketch still kicks butt!
yes, this is excellent, you caught Mr spielberg so well and as you said, the line between portrait and caricature is really thin... just a few oversized elements like the ears...
great and impressive work, Dave.
Who's Steven Spielberg? I guess he's this guy. Maybe you should try to draw people who are more recognizable so we'd know if you drew the person well or not. When you draw your neighbor or whoever this is, we all just end up confused.
I thought it was George Lucas... that was a joke. Awesome Dave, as always. I've always wished I could draw like you. I guess that explains why I can't paint either.
Love this. I really need to study your line quality.
Friggin amazing!
Forever envious,
man that is super nice. I absolutely dig your pencil lines.
Don't listen to Shane.
Instantly recognizable. Great line! Much of the time I prefer a good pencil sketch to a finished painting. This is no exception.
Fantastic - I knew it was Spielberg straight away! Great work
Beautiful sketch Dave!
Extremely well done! I agree that there's something appealing with this subtle kind of caricature.
It adds that fun element without creating too much distance from the viewer.
I love your work--it's all fabulous and this drawing in particular is just wonderful.
I regognized him at once!
I love your style!
Nice blog!
I love your style. You capture the character exceptionally yet you always seem to maintain that sense of subtle characiture.
You got the likeness spot on. Your sketches remind me of Mort Drucker (which is a good thing).
Lovely drawing.
I love to see pencil sketches in the raw - this is a really nice piece. (Caricature is a real skill too.)
Your sense of structure in your drawings is amazing, and I love your hatching. Gorgeous!
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