A new drawing I am doing in preparation of a new oil painting.I am all of the sudden having trouble finding the right size Masonite board or I may have been finished with the painting by now. I really like painting on board because it allows for so much of my style to show, without fighting the canvas texture. I am excited to get started with this one because I am happy with the drawing, that is probably the most important thing to keep you going with a new painting through the long hours.
I too am happy with this drawing. Really nice, Dave.
Nice drawing. Looking forward to seeing the next step.
Love it Dave. Hey .... how long would a painting like this take you? I know my acrylic paintings sometimes take weeks depending on the size and detail, but they're not nearly as refined as yours. Love your stuff Man!
Fantastic drawing Dave - it'll make a great painting! Out of interest how do you transfer your original sketch onto the board?! Keep up the good work!
Adrian, I ussually end up keeping my paintings at 10-15 hours. I lose interest if it takes too long.
Tim, Thanks I ussually just scan then print it the correct size and go over the basic drawing with tracing paper. It's a good way to avoid major drawing problems while getting into the painting.
your work is amazing!!! I really like your blog.
I'm still impressed by how efficient you can be with just few lines in all your drawings...
Great drawing . . . if you don't mind, I was wondering what technique with oils you prefer? Are you a direct painter or . . . ?
Great drawing Dave! I love your line quality.
I think this is a wonderful drawing just as it is-- those simple and energetic lines. It seems like she is just about to get up.
It will be interesting to see how it turns out as a painting.
such great drawings. i love your line work and the personality that shows in the portraits.
Thanks again all,
Jason, I really feel like I am still just trying to figure out oil painting, maybe that's something that doesn't go away. But I am still figuring out technique and it seems to change with each new piece. I do go through with a loose soft edged initial layer to get all the basic drawing and ussually colors. Then using walnut oil as my medium, I put down a thin layer of medium and work into it. It gives a nice wet on wet feel as I go through and sharpen and finish the edges. I have been trying different things with underpaintings with comical results.
Also, I think your Condi looks great.
awesome drawing! looking forward to see the painting!
this is so gorgeous!. . .why is everthing you do so gorgeous???....its not normal.
Outstanding drawing, Dave. The lines describing her arms, shoulders are so nice- Graceful, beautiful, economical. They lead my eye to her hand, her face, and contrast with and enhance the higher level of detail there so effectively. Lovely work.
I really like the expression on this one Dave. I keep checking back for the painted version...
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