Here I have my drawing for a new painting I will be working on. I usually try to do my painting from a transferred drawing. It is a convenient way to work. You can work out all of the drawing problems, composition, perspective, sizing, before you are stuck into the painting work. I think this is headed into a good direction, so we'll see where it ends up.
I am so happy I found your blog! Amazing, amazing work - can't wait to see what else you come up with.
You have captured another wonderful moment of repose in your subject. I'm sure the final painting will be excellent.
I'm the first non-Dave to have anything to do with this post. It's quite an honor... or a shame. Amazing sketch - should make a nice painting.
Another great drawing, Dave. Love the linework, the shading in the folds of the scarf, and of course her face.
Again, thanks for documenting and posting this stage.
Really nice sketch Dave, paint it already!
You make all of us other Dave's proud.
I'm now wondering if it is'nt better to change my name into Dave aswell, if it makes you draw like this....
Nice sketch Dave! Can't wait to see the final painting. You'll have to explain to me your process for transfering the drawing some day.
your pencil work is phenominal.
Great drawing as always Dave. Love it!
great sketch! looking forward to see your beautiful painting!
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