Here is the Russian president Putin painted as practice. A little too red in my opinion. One thing I hate is canvas. It always drives me crazy because I cant control the paint like I would like with all that cloth texture. If it is really a tight weave I can handle it but I always prefer masonite board with a touch of texture from the gesso. I thought it was about time to post an oil painting.

Then a couple drawings the one is not Karr, the Ramsey nutcase. It's actually the guy from "Good night and good luck"(a really lame movie with a lame premise.
AWESOME painting and drawings!
That's one nice painting of ol' pooty-poot. Good stuff as usual, Dave.
Путин похож!Хороший скетч!А второй Жириновский?Очень на него похож;0)
Great stuff Dave. I like the last sketch best.
Very cool works all around here.
Cheers to you,
Holy Crap Dave! This is great stuff! You make me want to paint, so I did tonight. The pitiful atttempt is on my blog for all the world to laugh at.
Hi Dave, I just found your blog today. Great work! I really like this oil painting, you've got some really nice drawings too. Great blog.
Very nice work here... Nice value control and great drawing!
maestro, me gusta mucho tus retratos y caricaturas. por aquí seguiré de visita.
un abrazo!
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