My wife just got a new magazine with some good reference for my sketchbook. This is last nights study. I asked Natalie what she thought she said "You always draw things long, don't you." That is wife speak for "It's too long." This version is in fact squished to compensate because it is true I always draw things long, it's possible it is the perspective or it may just be in my head, I may want to get that checked.
Long or not, it is an excellent study.
sorry! I just thought you should know...
haha, wife speak :) I like your drawings very much though.
I think I tend draw things too wide. I haven't gotten any girl friend speak for it yet though.
Great drawing!
Rectangles I find more appealing than boring squares. Perhaps that is the reason you stretch the image.
Nice study by the way.
Its the next best thing to ping-pong cake. Don't make me spell it out.
David, I do the same thing, draw things long. I wonder how one "gets that checked out." Let me know, will you? Anyway, love this, reminds me of a Morgan Weistling subject.
I draw the same way when sketching. I think it's the perspective of drawing in a sketchbook and not vertically. Wonderful sketch though, your line quality and control are impressive :)
great one!
Great drawing, I like it very much!
Wow, really nice . . . some of the best pencil work is on this blog!
Really Nice.
I love the way you handle the pen/pencil... unique style... love it
You have a real talent capturing the soul through the eyes. Nice work.
I draw longer too, graphologists would say this is because vanity! :)
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