At long last a figure drawing that I am very happy with. I get comments sometimes about the generally negative view expressed on this blog about my own work. It's true I am very rarely satisfied with my work. I am happy to declare this as probably my best figure drawing ever, technically at least. I am extremely pleased with the result, in my opinion very accurate with good line work and finished to just the right level. There is a good mix of realism and graphic lines.

I guess that is enough self congratulation for this post. You are welcome to agree with Natalie, let me know if you think this drawing is mediocre.
while all of your drawings are fantastic this one has less appeal to me. Not the compostition as much as the drawing in general....but I love your work.
Awesome lines Dave. Its got a little Fechin in there.
I like the composition of this one, I think it's very expressive, beautiful.
fantastic. got me interested in nupastels
The drawing is excellent, with or without hands.
Beautiful drawing!
Love your work, David!
Sure you can draw hands....Suuurrrrre.
I dunno Dave, I wouldn't say this is your best life drawing, but that's just me. Still, good job.
love the composition. was not at all bothered by no hands. beautiful work.
#33, #32, #31, #29, #28, #21, Slouching figure, #17, #10, "archives", #7,and Figure #7 are all better than this. Which, in my opinion, leaves it in my top 35%.
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