To celebrate Independence day, here is a portrait of our greatest(and most attractive) president.
This was done for the "Meet the Robinsons" video game. It had a nice half second cameo. One difficulty was the long horizontal format that I needed to fit the tall vertical Lincoln into, I ended up shrinking the hat.
Great illustration! One of the better Lincoln caricatures I've seen in a while.
Dear David: I found your blog by chance ... and I was amazed me throughout the entire charm all his work and the way you do.
As far as I see you have a large and broad artistic trajectory not know how I envy him for his great talent. I for my part (though I already have an age ... jejeje), I am developing in this art, I started too late but always from a very small tube vocation.
nothing else to tell you LINKE on my page so that more people can admire.
A big hug from my blog.
brilliant work!
color and realistic and increible image
Looks amazing. A face like that was made for legal tender (or radio).
dave, I got to play the banjo music to accompany your half second image in the game. I love your Abe.
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