Tuesday, March 11, 2008


This is a newer painting. A lot of glare is showing up in this picture but you get the idea. I wanted a warm face to contrast with a very cool background. I also was trying to get a loose style in the background to compliment the more finished face.
This is oil on board 12"x24".


SEILER said...

David, these paintings seriously make me jealous! Beautiful work . . . . your paintings are some of my favorite!

Adrian Lubbers said...

Haven't been by in awhile, but still... never dissappointed!! I,like this one and I especially like the bg. Very nice.

Sebastien Gallego said...

Great painting Dave. I really like the composition!

Kevin Keele said...

The rough background works well. The whole painting is really beautiful.

dzuka said...

dave, all this is remarkable! i've seen other skillful artists, but very often they lack personality or emotion. you got it all! brilliant in anyway ! : )

Scribbler said...

Brilliant anyway? Brilliant always! The background styling is brilliantly executed man. Great stuff as usual!

Shawn Escott said...


. said...

Thanks for comment and thanks for stopping by!:))

Don Gray said...

I like this rather strange juxtaposition a lot! You went for dislocation, in a way, rather than integrating her with the background. The result is an intriguing painting.

Anonymous said...

Very nice play on tones.

shawnajctenney.blogspot.com said...

Beautiful, Dave.

Anders said...

to change a little, a comment in french: "c'est splendide!"

Anonymous said...

Your excellent work David
A pleasure to go through here


Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully evocative painting...

Kate (Cathy Johnson)