Now, I do like the looseness but I would like the drawings to be better then they are currently. Most of it has to do with my preoccupation with other illustration projects that haven't let me draw as much as I would like.
A refrigerator for my Artwork.
Still very nice work David. I can see the difference, but for me it doesn't show a lack of skill, there's something even stronger I think when a drawing or sketch can be loose but still hold so much value or worth. Your sketches are inspiring.
Well, Jason already explained it veerywell. Loosy or not, your drawings are still excellent, if you don't have noticed that it was loosy, I think I just saw it as a quicker sketch.
can't wait to see we're you'll go in your future sketches.
I agree with anders and jason, you know what you are doing, and the quality is not down at any point, maybe you are just showing earlier stages of your work.
And that's a stage that other artists seem to enjoy sometimes as much as much as finished projects, you know.
Woow i'am very impressive!
excelent !!
muy buenos trabajos !
Another great sketch David! I like the loosness - I also like tight sketches! Nothing wrong with being good at both!
i love the style, beautiful sketch
I love your drawings!!
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