A newer drawing, a little heavy on the straight lines. I've gotten into the habit of using my mechanical pencil, but would like to get more drawings using shading and a regular pencil.
the crossing lines on the head reminds me Moebius, early Enki Bilal or Sergio Toppi, if you don't know him, he's a great great master, sorry, it's in french but take a look : http://www.editionsmosquito.com/toppi/
You know if you want the ease of a mechanical pencil and the usefulness of a regular pencil you should look into using a lead holder. I've been using them for a while now and am totally sold. Plus they don't dig into your thigh when you sit down like the mechanical pencils tend to do.
your portraits are so in tune with detail. simply gorgeous.
Congratulations...It's amazing!
In every your works the most part i love is the lines.amazing!
It haves strenght in the line, nice one.
perfect as usual, Dave!
the crossing lines on the head reminds me Moebius, early Enki Bilal or Sergio Toppi, if you don't know him, he's a great great master, sorry, it's in french but take a look : http://www.editionsmosquito.com/toppi/
Great likeness! The mechanical cross-hatching gives it an interesting personality.
Beautiful drawing.
Weri professional work :)
Super duper!...seriously, it's awesome.
Is this supposed to be Ben Kingsley? Friggen awesome style, I love this :)
Dave, your art is unbelievably amazing.
Beautiful work man, just awesome, and PERFECT likeness!
You know if you want the ease of a mechanical pencil and the usefulness of a regular pencil you should look into using a lead holder. I've been using them for a while now and am totally sold. Plus they don't dig into your thigh when you sit down like the mechanical pencils tend to do.
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