So I decided I might sign up for a community night school figure drawing class. I love figure drawing, the cost was respectable, and regardless of what I learned from the teacher I could get some time with a live model. Right? Well turns I out it's miserable. The teacher, and I am choosing my words carefully here, is a jerk. He's got nothing but negative comments about anything I do (example: he pointed out that the left hand above was no good and couldn't see the suggestion of a hand in my shape, plus the model moved a lot). I'm in the class with a large group of beginners so I don't think I'm bad comparatively. He's just a jerk.
More importantly, I have no clue how his teaching method is supposed to help. No wonder there are so many untrained artists with teaching methods like this making things more confusing. One thing, I am not high on is overboard study of muscles, this guy is clearly proud of himself because he knows the name of every muscle in the body. I don't really think it is that important. I have a good basic knowledge of the bones and muscles and most of that is thanks to drawing them. I took an anatomy class once which I thought would help, it didn't, instead it was the lowest grade I received in college and a lot of stress. I think I have learned much more through observation of models. I am interested in being able to draw what I see not necessarily what the reason for these shapes are. My philosophy is learn to draw the shapes and masses and you can draw anything regardless of it's interior makeup. When I taught we only had a couple of models, students would ask for others but in my opinion you are learning to draw what you see if you can't draw one model that you are looking at you wont be able to draw a different one(though it may be more interesting for the artist). I am not trying to say it has no place for the study of anatomy but I think people like this get carried away, he can name them but can he draw them?
Chapter 2
Anyway, it is not fun but we'll see if the misery and practice helps my art in the end. You'll probably be seeing more figure drawings because I do a lot.