Tuesday, July 17, 2007


An unfinished painting I have been back and forth with. Completion becomes uncertain at about the point that I finish the face. I am always trying to keep things loose but my natural tendency is to highly finish, I guess I am a perfectionist. My wife modeled for it, she is a great artist herself, you can see some work at her blog.


Unknown said...

Wonderful! Keep it loose!

Anders said...

there is some magic with this "orange" light...
I agree with howard, keep it loose, looks perfect like this to me!

SEILER said...

Dave, you're work is always so beautifully done!! Just awesome!

Anonymous said...

A really rich, strong, exciting color statement. I agree with what Joel Iskowitz said about you at the Mint: "destined for greatness." Except you've already started being great! Keep it up.


S.T. Lewis said...

Looks great, Dave. How did I not know your wife was this much taller than you? Very cool.

colin said...

The colors are great, and do do leave it loose. It's great that way. I'd say, resist the urge to clean things up and make the edges crisp. If you do anything, just push up the depth a little here and there. But use a big brush!

Not that I'm anywhere near good enough to be giving you advice...

benjamin trobat -cartoonist- said...

wowow! amaizing painting!!!

Tim Bye said...

Fabulous stuff! - The perfect colour background too - great

Ani said...

Wow ! It's really great !!!

Sam Nielson said...

Wow. GREAT colors in this one.

Unknown said...

beautiful painting!! Love the movement and the feel of looseness.

A. Riabovitchev said...

Не заканчивай!В этом и есть кайф!Очень красиво!
Не старайся быть акуратным!

Unknown said...

Beautiful and inspiring, and I agree with people here, its perfect as it is now, great lights, colour, drawing and feeling.

Artist_Grass- said...

Reason 9,999,999,999 why i HATE DIGITAL PAINTING BULL SHIZ.

This is to strong of a piece to just through away on a simple printout.

Can you imagine what ti would look like if you had a pallet knife going?

Tom Scholes said...

Told you in person, but it's worthy again and in writing no less - definitely some of my favorite paint from you.

Adrian Lubbers said...

Beautiful work. Your color use is so wonderful I don't know how you do it. all your work seems to just glow!

Nigel Auchterlounie said...


Unknown said...

This is a really good artwork for me. The color is very interesting. See you soon, bye!

natalie malan said...

love the lighting/color. It looks even better and more "real" than the photo ever did.

HelldorinStudio said...

i have no word to explain what i have in my mind, i'am not really good in english, but i like this one !!