A new digital painting. I don't really know the reasoning behind it. I sometimes just start drawing then go whatever direction hits me first. To save me the trouble of a real background I just scrub in some colors that will accentuate the primary characters design. Done in painter, like pretty much all of my digital work.
Great piece Dave, really good mood in this, half cartoon, half hard-boiled, the "simple" background gives a little plus than a complicate one, I mean it increases the mystery about this guy and what he is doing...
I really dig how you managed the clothes and the gun and as usual, the shapes of the character's face are excellent...
I think this is one of my favourite of your digital paintings Dave.
Great painting Dave. He certainly looks determined. Great Shapes and character. I like the way you have done pin-stripe suit.
Thanks Anders.
I think my blog is having a lot of bugs with this new Beta Blogger, hopefully it will work better now.
another brillliant work David! One of my favorites! ;)
Hey Dave...recently found your blog. This is a great piece man. Good work!
Brilliant! I really like the range of colours in his face.
Best refrigerator decorations I've ever seen! Both here and at your wife's blog. Wonderful work; I'll be back often!
Man this is a cool Blog. The shooter is great but the Black and White girl is AMAZING. Just Beautiful. I will for sure be coming here again and again. I can't wait to see the colored version.
Great work again. I really like that pose.
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