This blog is a great place to put the artwork that I do that isn't good enough to make it to my webpage. I have a lot of it. This first one is my wife in Texas(thus the lack of anything in the background). I tried it on some old canvas board I had and it was hellish, I usually hate the texture of canvas. I need flat masonite so that I can be in control of everything at all times.

And this is a copy of a Norman Rockwell. He was one of the best artists of the 20th century and a genius, though this painting stole a little from the J.C. Leyendecker style, another genius. It had nice spots of color. I just wanted to get a little practice but it turned out pretty good.
Very nice stuff here, Dave. I'm glad to see you have a blog. Now I know you're better than me at art AND softball. I look forward to seeing more of your work on here.
Dave, I love your stuff. By the way, Leyendecker's better than Rockwell. Just thought you should know :)
woah...the one above of your wife is absolutley amazing! the lack of a busy background gives it a still air of cool
Just stumbled on this blog by accident. The picture of your wife said, "Texas" before I read the text. For some reason it reminds me of the movie "Giant."
Glad to find a fan of Rockwell. He's gone through periods of being vilefied. A friend of mine went to a dinner (in the '60s I think. In Philadelphia, where th e Post was published) where Rockwell spoke. He was very engaging. Didn't think of himself as a fine artist. None of the paintings were meant to last. His main focus was on "the gag." That was his name for the concept of the magazine cover. It had to have a "gag" instead of just being a picture of something. He admitted to being "cartoony." He was an illustrator. The public loved him. Despite his self-description of himself as an "illustrator" the post-war magazine buying public thought of him as their fine artist.
I too admire Rokvell. I collect on the Internet of its work and I buy books about it .меня infinitely admires its humour and that as it noticed the interesting moments. Really from its pictures on us America that time looks. I always would like to come nearer though on a few to that level of drawing which Norman Rokvell owned. I can infinitely look at its works finding in them always, that that new to myself.
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