Sunday, April 27, 2008


My latest, oil on board 18"x24". Based on a previous painting, this one has much a stronger drawing(I only realized right now as I look back at the post). I like the nontraditional composition, slightly graphic. It sits against the wall in my studio for a month or two now and I still like it, whenever I don't hate it after a couple of hours that is a good thing. My wife still has issues with it and I plan on some light changes but it's basically there.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

after Fechin

This is a Nicolai Fechin (1881-1951) copy done in charcoal about a year ago. There are some proportion problems but I am pleased with the linework and the drawing as a whole, especially when looked at independent of it's source.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


A painting I found in a dark hallway of a rich Bavarian castle. Actually I just painted it and added the frame digitally. I want to print out one of these digital paintings on canvas and frame it nicely some day, some day.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Monday, April 07, 2008


I am going green!(but only in the background of certain paintings)
I painted this a couple years ago and really kind of like it. It's my wife again but this one had a more quickly painted, in a more simple style. The background turned out well because of it's contrasting color and the looseness, in my opinion. I really liked the background behind her but it got a little mushy looking in the front. Truth is, loose painting is very much harder then tight. Oil on board 11"x14"

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

figure drawing 7?

So only Ken was kind enough to feign interest in my previous post so here is a figure drawing that may or may not draw more attention.
I am always curious to know whether people come primarily for the traditional style or the caricatures and whether the caricature posts drives traditional people away and vice a versa. Maybe I need to create a pseudonym and post art under that name to gauge the popularity then I will organize a street fight pitting the traditionalists against the cartoonists, to the death.