Tuesday, March 06, 2012

fig. 56

A detail of last weekends figure drawing. I was happy with this area, the poorly drawn body has been cropped and forgotten.

This was done on a 18"x24" sheet of drawing pad(this is probably cropped to 8" wide area), all the reddish color areas are NuPastel and the edges are reinforced with sharpened black Conte. 2 hours.


  1. Very beautiful. Love the light.

  2. David,
    You authored my first blog mention, several years ago, and I've been enjoying your posts ever since. And now I've taken the plunge, and sincerely hope to do as well as you. Best wishes.

  3. Looks great man; I've been following your blog for a while now, for inspiration.

    Could I ask what type of paper you use for these pastel drawings? And do you sharpen your pastels to a point, or just use the corners of the stick for details?

  4. Thanks Unknown,
    The paper is Canson Biggie sketch paper. The Nupastel is not sharpened, I just look for a good edge as I work.


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