Tuesday, July 25, 2006

the joys of Cast painting

Despite how a lot of my posts portray me, at heart I am still a traditionalist. I like realism. This is a cast painting under way at home right now. Actually I have grown bored and it's been waiting for a couple of months to be finished. I only have patience for faces ussually. but I think the colors are turning out nice. So there you go.

Friday, July 21, 2006

House in the Woods

One more for the weekend. Here's my first attempt at a enviroment. I am all about the portraits. Faces, hands, bodies. but this was kind of fun. Probably a much needed change.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


This is the old one. Again my wife, posing as a pirate, since that seems to be the theme this month. I kind of still like it, but not especially. It was the best thing I had done up to that time.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Old Woman

Here is the color version of the old woman painting started below. I think it turned out pretty well. I am really a fan of Painter these days, it's such an easy way to work. Unfortunately, I have no tangible painting to hold when I'm done.
it is a woman though she I contemplated making her a man.
Another painting I like the colors but it never really got finished. Alan Greenspan has about the coolest face in the world.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

From the Vault

This blog is a great place to put the artwork that I do that isn't good enough to make it to my webpage. I have a lot of it. This first one is my wife in Texas(thus the lack of anything in the background). I tried it on some old canvas board I had and it was hellish, I usually hate the texture of canvas. I need flat masonite so that I can be in control of everything at all times.
And this is a copy of a Norman Rockwell. He was one of the best artists of the 20th century and a genius, though this painting stole a little from the J.C. Leyendecker style, another genius. It had nice spots of color. I just wanted to get a little practice but it turned out pretty good.