Thursday, December 20, 2012


A page from the sketchbook. It turned out to be a surprisingly difficult composition. That is is a 9"x12" sketchbook page to give you an idea of the size.

Merry Christmas everyone.


  1. Awww, I love this. Penny is such a doll.

  2. I keep asking myself, "how does he do it!?" Spare of lines, yet each one in the exact right place to form a hauntingly evocative and utterly beautiful portrait.

  3. hey dave, have you ever tried NOT making everything you draw be so awesome?

  4. Beautiful drawing Dave! Really nice use of negative space.

  5. Nice work, can you show the step how you draw the portrait. step by step how you take proportions.

  6. when i use mechanical pencil for sketching, i find it almost as unforgiving as an ink pen.

    what i mean, is that when you do put down a committing line, its virtually impossible to take it away or correct it, because of its thinness.

    do you just not make any mistakes while drawing..?


  7. Thanks for the comments.

    Suzy, wow, that comment is very nice, thank you.

    Tom, whats up? I tried but failed:)

    Anonymous, I've been trying to think of a way to do this for a while. some day I will get one up.

    Erik, it is a bit unforgiving. I work pretty lightly as I establish the structure and placement. Light enough that I can erase it away entirely, you can probably find some along the top of this drawings hair. Those lines are kind of searching, put a line down and see how it feels. A lot of them are obscured by the committed lines too. After that hope no mistakes but erasing is not the end of the world just needs to be blended in with more crosshatching.

  8. So a few lines and so naturally. Really good job.

  9. Really beautiful drawing David! All the lines and hatching really brings a sense of life:)


  11. I like the way it fades off at the bottom.

  12. This looks exactly like my daughter


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